Xu Qing Represents the Palace Master! (4)

When he left the capital, the atmosphere in the county was filled with panic and an undercurrent of brewing chaos.

Upon his return, Xu Qing quickly noticed the difference. The northern and western battlefronts were in a state of emergency, teetering on the edge of danger. The defense line of Fenghai County was on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

However, the people in the county capital were clearly in a much better state than before. Although they still carried fear of the future, they held hope too.

Even the shops were operating normally. Everything was orderly. At least on the surface, the devastation brought about by the war couldn't be seen.

Xu Qing, who had left the teleportation array and was walking on the streets, roughly understood the reason through the discussions of the surrounding crowd and the occasional shouts of the cultivators stationed here.