Broken Sword Life Lantern! (2)

The difference between getting the life lantern from the Sword Holding Palace and snatching it outside was that there would be a record of the origin of this lantern.

When Xu Qing exchanged for the life lantern, he got a jade slip that recorded the information of this lantern.

"This lantern is called the Broken Immortal God Devourer. The source of its bloodline is the ninth Heavenly General of the Mystic Nether Era of the human race. However, it's not the Heavenly Marshal's own lantern but of his descendant. It was separated from the great general after he died in battle in the era of the Human Sovereign Eastern Triumph."

"It's about killing, breaking myriad laws, and devouring blood."

"It is suspected that evil thoughts may dwell within, as many who merged with it before gradually became insane and bloodthirsty. Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly, and caution is advised."