The Disciple of the Crown Prince, Bai Xiaozhuo (4)

A remnant soul rose from the puppet's body and appeared in the outside world, transforming into an extremely tall existence.

The appearance of the body could be destroyed, but the appearance of the soul would exist forever.

The face of this soul… belonged to none other than the Palace Master of the Law Palace, one of the three great palaces in Fenghai County!

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the city who saw this scene changed drastically.

The remnant soul couldn't exist forever, and was already dissipating. It couldn't speak and its gaze was fixed on Fenghai. Just like the County Governor and Kong Liangxiu in the past, it revealed reluctance.

Anger rose from the Law Palace cultivators on the ground and they glared at the Deputy Governor.

General Blood Nightmare turned and looked at the Deputy Governor. He removed his mask, revealing a face that everyone was familiar with.

"Deputy Governor, long time no see!"