Treading Through the Thorns, Advancing Towards the Throne! (2)

The interplay of hope and despair created a complex mix of ambivalence within the god's finger's consciousness, causing immense turmoil. This tidal wave of emotions overwhelmed the resentment It held against Xu Qing.

This was because It understood that the only person who could save It now was Xu Qing.

Hence, It hurriedly agreed with Its divine sense.

The Ancient Spirit Emperor's huge eye stared at Xu Qing.

The world slowly fell silent.

Only the sound of swallowing and the wind formed by heavy breathing echoed here.

After a moment, the suction force that surrounded Xu Qing dissipated, and the vortex within the underworld river vanished. Amidst the resounding echoes of the earth, the underworld river continued to flow as it had before.

The god's finger that was floating above Xu Qing's head lost the restraints and rapidly returned to Xu Qing's body while trembling.