Dao Mandate Heavenly Demon, 13 Nascent Souls (1)

Xu Qing had always been cold to enemies.

Chen Feiyuan nodded and glanced at Xu Qing, sighing inwardly. After his teacher's death, he lost his protection and had to learn to be ruthless and cold in the internal struggles of the family.

"But Xu Qing, from a very young age, had already developed what I later learned as instinct."

Chen Feiyuan's understanding of Xu Qing mainly came from his investigation after he participated in the family's power struggle.

Regardless of whether it was the name of the Kid in the scavenger campsite, the camp leader later on, or the path of slaughter after joining the Seven Blood Eyes, all of these made Chen Feiyuan understand Xu Qing even more.

He understood that Xu Qing's personality and methods of doing things were also something he had to learn.

At this moment, without saying much, Chen Feiyuan took out a sound transmission jade slip and gave the order to execute the assassins.