Separation, a Long Journey Ahead (2)

"Also… he can exempt the designated person from the fate of becoming food, so that they won't be devoured when the Crimson Goddess arrives."

Duanmu Zang sighed softly.

"This one thing alone can drive countless experts to madness, willing to sacrifice everything for this exemption."

When Xu Qing heard this, an imperceptible glint flashed in the depths of his eyes. He didn't continue to ask about the Red Moon but asked about the strength of the two races.

After all, the direct obstacle he was facing was the investigation of these two races.

"These two races have six people in the Spirit Repository, including their respective ancestors. As for Nihility…"

Duanmu Zang shook his head.


"Because Nihility has the best taste, as long as one appears, they will be marked by the Red Moon Shrine. You can imagine it's like the fruit ripening, although they won't be dealt with directly, it's as if they're on the menu."