Untitled (1)

There was no longer a sky in this fragmented world.

Most of the ice layer in the sky had collapsed. Huge cracks filled its surroundings, tearing the sky apart.

A huge hole in the center pierced through the interior and exterior, leading straight to the outside world.

The ice layer on the ground was the same. The endless land looked uneven under the shattering. The entire ice layer was lifted by the bronze coffin that rushed out from below.

This bronze coffin was huge. In fact, it was even larger than the coffin Xu Qing had seen under the sea of fire.

Right now, more than half of it was exposed, and it exuded a vast might.

An ancient aura that had witnessed the flower of time spread across this world, invading everything, as if it wanted to release all the buried time in this moment.

It had been buried here for too long. One could see rust on the surface of the coffin, revealing its age and passage of time.