3,000 Heavenly Lightning, Xinan's cruel order

The sky churned and thunder rumbled.

As the wind and clouds surged, patches of black clouds appeared in the sky. They piled up thicker and thicker, and the range grew larger and larger.

As for the wind in the green sand desert, it became even more majestic. The whistling whimpers were like wild shrieks and howls.

Waves of oppression descended from the sky, enveloping not only the place Xu Qing was at but also the entire green sand desert.

A rumbling sound descended from the nine heavens. All the living beings in the green sand desert felt their hearts skip a beat.

All the forces in the mountains, including the cultivators of the Bitter Life Mountain Range, were shocked. Even the people in the Red Moon Shrine looked at the sky.

"What's going on?"

"There's something wrong with the sky…"