The Man With the Sun

In the Bitter Life Mountain Range, outside the earth city's apothecary, Wu Jianwu gazed at the bustling street, observing the residents coming and going. The poetic inspiration in his heart had also surged in these past few days.

"Medicine, medicine, medicine, like drifting willow catkins. If you want to sleep well, come and buy medicine quickly!"

Wu Jianwu shouted loudly. Li Youfei, who was at the side, hurriedly shouted.

"Young master, what a great poem!"

Wu Jianwu laughed. Just as he was about to continue, Ling'er, who was in the apothecary, rushed past him like the wind. At the next instant, the figures of Xu Qing and the other two appeared on the distant street.

Ling'er directly pounced into Xu Qing's arms.

"Brother Xu Qing, you're finally back…"