Golden Crow and Heavenly Rhinoceros, Battle of Emperor-Level Cultivation Arts

All the living beings here were drowned by this river of time.

If one possessed the eyes of a god and looked down from high above, they would see the island, the statue of the ruler, and countless cultivators swirling within the river of time in this region.

They were all soaked and were motionless.

Everyone's time was fixed at the moment before, existing in a state neither alive nor dead, encapsulated in the essence of time.

However, among these cultivators, there were nine missing!

The heir and his four other siblings weren't around. Li Xiaoshan, Divine Sparrow, Chen Erniu, and Xu Qing were also nowhere to be seen.

The instant the gate of time opened, they were sent into different points in the past of the Red Moon Divine Son by Princess Mingmei's taboo art, dispersed across various nodes of time.