Stubborn Sense of Presence

The Moonlight Sea exploded.

The blood water on the sea shot out to both sides, forming two walls of water, while in the middle, there was a straight and concave water mark, revealing the depths!

The white nail, shining with the shadows of six worlds, passed through everything in its path, and even the projections of the gods ahead couldn't stop it at all.

It penetrated through them easily.

Amidst the thunderous rumbling, three god projections collapsed and shattered.

At the next instant, the nail appeared in front of Zhang Siyun.

Carrying a monstrous aura and pressure, it neared His forehead.

Zhang Siyun was, after all, a clone of the Crimson Goddess. The level of His life exceeded comprehension. Just as the nail was about to land on His forehead, He moved his right hand. It seemed to be moving slowly, but it directly appeared beside the nail and pinched it gently with two fingers.