What Will Happen When the Fragmented-Face Looks at the Divine Realm?

The fragmented-face's eyes opened only a crack.

The instant this gap appeared, Xu Qing's body rumbled. An indescribable intense pain drowned him like furious waves.

His body started to explode little by little, and the meridians and bones in his body also shattered.

He couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.

His soul and cultivation also showed signs of dimming at this moment.

It was as though he had become a candle that was burning everything, serving as the driving force for the god's fragmented-face to open Its eyes.

However, his cultivation was insufficient. The fragmented-face's eye opening slightly had almost drained him completely.

But even so, even with just a narrow slit in the fragmented-face's eyes, it instantly plunged the world within the Moon Palace into absolute silence.