Extending Palm Towards the Sun

The alliance leader bowed and respectfully left.

He could sense that the Seventh Prince, who was sitting at a high seat in the main hall, had his gaze on him the entire time.

Therefore, he made no attempt to conceal his emotions, whether it was reluctance, resignation, or ultimately, a composed demeanor—all were fully revealed.

It was only after he left the main hall and walked far away that he stood up straight again and walked toward his residence in the capital with a smile.

When he encountered familiar colleagues on the way, he would greet them gently.

He didn't show any arrogance because of his second stage Nihility cultivation.

From the start to the end, his expression was gentle and refined. When he returned to his residence, he lit an incense and sat there to take out a chessboard, playing it alone.

However, upon closer inspection, past the smoke, there was a hint of innate coldness in the depths of his eyes.