The Water Still Flows Among the Flowers

Nanhuang Continent, spring.

Dark clouds filled the sky.

It was clearly noon, but the black clouds were densely gathered. They were endless and their range was extremely large, as though they wanted to blot out all the sunlight.

Coldness covered the ground and bleakness filled the human world. It was the season of life, but there was no sign of vitality. All of this formed a sense of oppression that enveloped an ancient city.

This city had existed for a long time. If one flipped through the ancient books, they would discover that this city could be traced back to the era of the Purple Green Kingdom.

Of course, this Purple Green Kingdom wasn't the mysterious country buried in history but the Purple Green Country of the Nanhuang Continent.

Legend had it that the Nanhuang Continent's Purple Green Country was a branch established by the descendants of the mysterious Purple Green Kingdom back then.