The First Region of Wanggu

Granny Sun's words made everyone at the banquet lower their heads, concealing their expressions.

This was because some people were taboo and couldn't be mentioned.

Princess Anhai's eyes also revealed a strange glint. She understood her wet nurse and knew that when the other party was young, not only did she have a wide network of connections, but she also had extraordinary skills.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to be both her and the fifth prince's wet nurse.

It was even more impossible for her to survive in the palace until now and be rewarded by the Human Emperor to retire.

All of this meant that the wet nurse was wise and loyal to the Human Emperor.

Hence, with Granny Sun's experience, she naturally knew that words were often both a weapon and an attitude. Any sentence wasn't just the meaning expressed on the surface.

In that case, the words she said earlier held deep meaning.