Theft of Sun of Dawn!

The hall instantly fell silent.

Numerous gazes landed on Xu Qing in unison. Princess Anhai's expression also changed.

The fact that the Imperial Capital's bell rang nine times meant that something major with serious consequences had happened. At such a time, the Emperor's personal guards actually came to summon Xu Qing into the palace immediately.

It looked like an invitation, but from the solemnity of these golden-armored guards, one could clearly sense a murderous intent.

Most importantly, if Xu Qing was drawn into this vortex, looking at it from an extreme viewpoint, even a slight lack of caution could spell a great disaster.

Even though Xu Qing's background was astonishing, with control over a region and a half, if the matter involved concerned the lifeline of the human race, then in the Human Emperor's eyes, there was no need to question which was more important.