A Million Soul Threads Spreading in the Sky

As the voice of the Divine Fusion School's school head continued to echo, his figure rose from the Dao Platform. With a step forward, he left the platform and stood in the air.

Standing there, his gaze swept past Xu Qing. Finally, he lifted his head and looked at the Human Emperor in the projection. After a slight bow, a terrifying aura erupted from him.

This aura surrounded his body in wisps, continuously swirling and forming visible vortexes that spread throughout the entire Imperial Academy. Wherever it passed, it was like a sweeping storm.

Suddenly, fierce winds howled, and the Dao Platform trembled. Everyone took a step back, their eyes filled with solemnity. This aura was truly inhuman.

Xu Qing's gaze also narrowed. He understood Illuminate and had also seen Saintly Star's father's god specimen body. Moreover, his understanding of gods far exceeded the norm.

After all, his divine repository could let him transform into a god.