Ruthless Dao of Great Five Bulls

"There's a saying."

The captain licked his lips and looked at the fleeing figure in the sky with a teasing smile.

"Fate will bring together those a thousand miles apart, yes, this is the phrase."

"Isn't that right, Junior Brother? Look, he appeared just like that. However, this time, he won't be able to escape."

Xu Qing nodded and lifted his hand. Black flames rose from his body and flowed down his arm to his palm.

The black spear that had just been put away formed in his hand again.

The moment it appeared, the spear tip seemed to burn the void, producing one fine black hole after another that tore through the void with an astonishing aura.

It also caused the bloody aura in all directions to rise into the air. Countless resentful spirits manifested around the spear and let out heart-rending wails of unwillingness.

They couldn't enter reincarnation.

The wails echoed, filled with a terrifying intent.