Return to the Light

This scene caused the hearts of the Eldest Prince and the group of humans in the distance to tremble with disbelief.

The battle between Xu Qing and Prince Mingnan truly exceeded their judgment.

That kind of law of time that reversed life and death was already strange and astonishing, let alone the taboo weapons Xu Qing summoned with a wave of his hand.

Three of them had clearly been used by Prince Mingnan just earlier.

In a short period of time, Xu Qing actually displayed the same three weapons. Two words rose in their minds.

A monster.

Only a monstrous being could possess such terrifying comprehension ability!

Even the morning glow, by traditional standards, couldn't reach such terrifying levels. This was the result of Xu Qing combining his divine intent with numerous comprehensions, pushing it to an unprecedented and unimaginable degree.

Back then, even the heir and Third Grandma were shocked, let alone the others.