The Fourth Statue That Blasphemed the Gods

On the vast land, there are towering mountains and winding ridges, like ink splashed on rice paper, forming a magnificent landscape painting.

Among the mountains, there was a mountain that led the way. It had a majestic aura and looked down on the mountains.

That was the sacred mountain where Flame Moon Mystic Heaven lived, the Divine Mountain!

It resembled a brushstroke in the canvas of the heavens and earth, sharp and towering, reaching straight towards the sky.

Countless white clouds meandered at its foot, like the mythical Penglai Island, suspended in the air.

Under the sunlight, the rocks and trees on the mountain shone brightly, accentuating its magnificence and glory.

The outline of the mountain was extremely clear against the sky. Regardless of whether it was from afar or close up, it gave off an intense shock.