Lord Purple Descends (1)

The sun had already set.

At least for today, it had left.

As it disappeared, the red glow in the sky also disappeared. However, the blood glow on Xu Qing's body stirred up a different color of red in the dark night.

Blood light illuminated the sky.

That was the encirclement of the blood vortex, the light of the soul threads on Xu Qing's body, and the killing intent in his heart.

Standing there, he was like a demon god that represented blood and killing, waiting for the sacrifices to arrive.

After a short period of silence, the sacrifices didn't disappoint the killing intent and arrived as promised.

The first to appear was a middle-aged cultivator. This person wasn't from the Flame Moon Mystic Heaven's main race but… the Baize Race!

He walked over step by step from the holy city. With every step he took, ripples would form under his feet, turning into a black lotus flower that shone with a dark light.