Sultry Voice From the Divine Mountain

The sky became even redder.

In the holy city, numerous gazes and strands of divine sense gathered on Xu Qing. Shock, fright, complexity, and strangeness surfaced in them.

In the end, it turned into silence.

Xu Qing's attacks intimidated the surroundings and also proved his strength.

He had obtained first place in the first segment!

No one continued to fly out of the holy city to challenge.

Xu Qing's actions caused varying degrees of waves in everyone's hearts.

If Xu Qing attacked with a cultivator's abilities, it would be fine. However, he was using the power of a god.

This frightened many.

Although cultivators who had been in contact with gods for a long time might be able to display divine techniques, especially divine envoys,

it was still rare for someone to be like Xu Qing, pulling out the image of a fourth level Nihility cultivator dying in the future and replacing the present.