The Secrets Hidden by the Gods

As this bitter voice appeared, waves stirred in Xu Qing's mind. A memory that didn't belong to him appeared in his mind.

This memory was fragmented and incoherent, like a puzzle.

Because it lacked a lot of details, even when it surfaced in Xu Qing's mind, it was still difficult for him to piece together intact answers.

Only a relatively clear understanding was revealed from this memory fragment.

Countless years ago, during the era of the Ancient Sovereign Mystic Nether, when the gods had not descended on Wanggu, Flame Moon Mystic Heaven had another name.

This race's former name was… the Mystic Heaven Great Magus Race!

It was one of the most important allies under the command of the Ancient Sovereign Mystic Nether.

It was also the race with the most support from the human race.

They had an extremely close relationship with the human race and fully supported the Ancient Sovereign Mystic Nether to ascend the throne and unify Wanggu.