Ownerless Divine Realm

Outside the holy cities, as the voice of the god dissipated, the teleportation vortex also blurred in the sky until it disappeared.

The thoughts of the Flame Moon cultivators who were teleported back rose and fell as they looked at Xu Qing.

The spectators from the three cities below were the same. The gazes they used to look at Xu Qing were filled with surprise and complexity. However, it was different from when Xu Qing had obtained the first place in the first segment.

This time, there weren't so many provocative gazes.

To be able to subdue Jiuli and be bestowed with items by the three magistrates, all of this already showed Xu Qing's qualifications.

Moreover, the fluctuations in their bloodlines and the faint sense of suppression caused them to instinctively ignore Xu Qing's identity as a human.

Hence, amidst everyone's complicated gazes, Xu Qing stepped out and descended from the sky, walking toward the holy city.