You Won't Die on This Path

The eyeball was torn to pieces and scattered toward the starry sky below.

Xu Qing's voice echoed coldly in this void-like starry sky.

From the start to the end, his expression didn't fluctuate much. He only calmly looked at the corpse that had lost its eyeball in the distance, the tree branch that was wrapped around Ming Fei's body, and the large tree that was emitting decay and seemed to be on the verge of death.

"Little friend, what do you mean?"

The ancient voice from Green Wood sounded weak and confused.

What responded was a black spear that was wrapped in a sea of fire. It transformed into a trail of fire in the starry sky and decisively pierced toward the large tree.

A rumbling sound rang out. The battlefield of Green Wood and Ming Fei seemed to overlap, as if… it was a bubble composed of illusions.

Under the penetrative force of the spear, the bubble started shattering.