The Young General in the Blue Robe Mounts the Horse for the First Time

With that coquettish voice, combined with the fog surrounding them, it suddenly created a sense of charm, spreading along with the fog.

Xu Qing's heartbeat couldn't help but quicken, feeling an unprecedented nervousness, even his mouth felt dry and parched, instinctively looking towards Zi Xuan.

Within the fog, Zi Xuan's face was as lovely as peach blossoms, her eyes containing a spiritual charm. They were bright and deep.

In those eyes, it seemed as if myriad worlds were hidden, with the shyness and innocence of a young girl as well as the depth and wisdom of a mature woman.

At this moment, her eyes blinked gently, like the brightest stars twinkling in the night sky, making it impossible for one to look away.

Even though it was hazy, one could still discern her fair complexion with a hint of rosy hue, exuding a charming and enticing allure, which was accentuated by the mist, adding an extra layer of temptation.