Four Sky Devouring Lords

The Sky Devouring Race couldn't be considered a powerful race in the Wanggu Continent. It could only be considered a second-tier race.

Compared to the powerful races at the first tier, the Sky Devouring Race was lacking in foundation, fortune, and god.

Hence, if they wanted their race to become a powerful race in the Wanggu Continent, they needed to work harder, sacrifice more, and pay a higher price.

As for the Sky Devouring Region, it was very far from the Human Race's Grand Imperial Capital Region.

Even a Nihility expert would have to fly for dozens of years.

Hence, there had never been any war between them and the human race.

But this race was unwilling to stay at that position, especially under the leadership of the current Sky Swallowing Emperor, who possessed remarkable talent and vision. In this generation, this race had reached the pinnacle of its history.