The Fifth Authority!

The holy lands had descended!

At this moment, some races trembled, some were excited, and some were at a loss.

However, no matter what… the appearance of the holy lands occupied everything.

As for the holy land, ever since the Ancient Sovereign Mystic Nether left, it had been circulating among the Wanggu Race.

These holy lands formed by the emperors of the various races and the heaven's chosen clansmen they had taken away back then had been scolded and promised by others in the past tens of thousands of years.

Some people thought that they were cowards who had left Wanggu at a critical moment and fled.

Some people thought that they hoped that when they returned, they would end the misery of Wanggu and allow it to regain its light.

No matter what their attitude was, they had arrived at this moment.

Purpose, unknown!

Intentions, unknown!

"Wanggu is like a cage. It's easy to enter but difficult to exit."