Five Hundred Kilometers Underworld Domain (2)

As a Dao Protector, protecting Transient Evil's son was only one aspect of their life's mission. The more important mission was to grow together with him.

According to the traditions of the race, after Transient Evil advanced to the Ruler realm, his son would become the young patriarch.

These Dao Protectors would accompany him in his growth and eventually become the pillars of the race.

Hence, for example, the Dao Protector Xu Qing killed earlier clearly had three worlds but the feeling he gave Xu Qing was that he was on par with the peak of four worlds cultivation.

To a certain extent, their identities and statuses were much more important than the two scouts Xu Qing had killed back then.

With the difference in the level of the holy land, the strength of the scouts would also be different.

As for this person before Xu Qing, he was even more extraordinary.