Wind Rises in the Forbidden Sea

Late at night, the already pitch-black Forbidden Sea grew even more obscure.

The surrounding space seemed to have been devoured by a ghastly mouth. The naked eye could only see about half a foot in front of it.

One couldn't even see their fingers if they stretched it out.

The temperature was just as oppressive.

As night fell, an icy sea breeze howled between the sea and sky, blowing northward.

This wind was very cold, carrying a fishy smell and a sense of decay, like an old man plagued by disease, struggling in his twilight years, exhaling gusts of death's breath.

Accompanying this aura was the whimpering of unknown sea beasts.

It echoed in the darkness.

It was filled with mystery and intimidation.

Under the sea, the undercurrents were the same.

They were larger and more intense than during the day, sweeping in all directions.