Impish Voice Startled Her

A familiar, impish voice startled her and she raised her chin up. Roger was standing in front of her with a wicked grin.

"Why are you here?" He mumbled with a sly resonance.

Sherry had a disgruntled expression on her grimace while glaring at Roger. He was dressed up as a dapper in a light blue suit, with his velvety brown hair shimmering in broad daylight. His fair complexion along with the delicate hair uplifted his handsomeness to a greater extent.

"Ahh, not you again," Sherry rolled her eyes in wonder while exclaiming her displeasure.​​

Roger smirked with her response and ogled for a few seconds. He could easily sense the unique captivating fragrance emitting from her. The smell was attracting him mystically furthermore towards her. He gulped anxiously and tried to act composed before her.

"What are you doing here, little duckling? I guess it's fate that leads us to meet each other." He continued his chattering."You know, I won't mind kicking your ass off. And yeah, I may appear delicate, but my arms are quite strong for taking down such a creep like you. So, stop calling me with that corny name." She snapped at him with a vicious look in her eyes.

"Haha!" Roger burst out in laughter at her threat. "Oh damn, you are so attractive. It makes me want to tease you a bit more. But, I am not a creep, you know I am really popular with ladies." He winked at her while conveying his words.

Sherry smirked at his response with a disgusted expression. "Then probably those ladies are dumbest creatures of the earth. But what are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" She snarled.

Roger seemed to be amused with the bickering and flipped his hair upwards gently, which was barring his forehead. "Well, I should be the one to inquire about it. Were you chasing me little duckling?"

He leaned a bit towards her and sniffed apparently to engulf her sweet fragrance from a closer extent. "Did I make you so crazy last night with my charm that you came to surrender yourself to me?" He mumbled in an erotic tone.

Abruptly Sherry stomped on his right foot with her sharp shoe heel to yank him away from her.

"Eeuukk!" Joger jolted up with the sudden stampede and quivered in pain. "Hey, are you crazy?" He shrieked in anger.

She smirked with his response and raised her right eyebrow. "Perverts like you must be treated like this. Goodbye." With a bold proclamation, she turned back and walked straight towards the exit.

Roger appeared a bit irked with her response and glared at her from behind. "She is just like a wild kitten, too arrogant and rude. But damn her smell, it makes me lose my mind..." He mumbled with a dark gaze in his eyes.


(Door knocking)

William was working on his laptop but his concentration was interrupted by the sudden door knock. With a cold voice, he responded, "come in."

Roger immediately entered the room with a sly grin embedded on his grimace. "Yo, brother!" He raised his right arm with a cheeky response.

William felt extremely annoyed and he promptly stood up from his seat. "Where have you been since this morning? Why did you miss such an important meeting? What the heck you were plotting again with your stupid brain?" He growled furiously.

He sneered with a wicked smile and silently sat on the couch in his cabinet. "Well, I wanted to attend it but a chick suddenly wanted to see me, so I went to catch up with her.

But don't fret, I didn't kill or molested her, we just went on a sweet date." He gulped down some water and continued his blabbering.

William instantly came before him using his supernatural speed and glared at him. "I don't have time to deal with your lecherous activities, but if you won't be serious about the company, I will simply throw you out." With immense agitation, he groaned at him.

Roger placed the glass over the table placed before him and looked at William with an obscure grin. "Well, I admit my mistake, but you can't simply throw me out, my angry big bro. Calm down, should I order some chilled beer for you?" He sounded completely relaxed.

William was fuming in wrath with his causality and clenched his fist. "You really make me want to punch you so hard." He murmured in a dubious voice.

Immediately Roger sprang up from his seat and beamed with a wide smile. "Wow, just now, even she said to me the same thing. I wonder, am I too engaging that I force others to hit me?" He inquired with a chuckled.

William frowned his eyebrows in curiosity. "Who? Whom did you meet?"

He chuckled with his query and gently tapped his shoulder before speaking. "That mysterious lady whom you saved that night like a superhero.

She was here at our office, but damn her smell will really make the other werewolves here crazy for her."

William was startled by the unexpected confrontation and gazed at him for a while. "Even he could easily sense her alluring scent. I never sensed something like that in any human female. Who the hell is she?" He anticipated with a dark gaze in his eyes.

Roger immediately peeked at his gesture and grew more curious. "So, you knew that she came here. But why?" He interrogated while leaning towards him a bit.

William regained his senses and glared at him with a frigid display. "She will be one of our interns from now on. So, don't even dare to harass any of our new interns. It's a warning for you, Roger." He answered.

Immediately a malicious sneer overtook Roger's face and he gawked at him with surprise. "Little duckling will be working in our office now? That's amazing! I can't wait for tomorrow now." He uttered.

"Little duckling?" William promptly asked.

Roger grinned with a spooky expression and raised his eyebrows.