Clasping Roger's Neck

Suppressing a satisfied smile, Angela stood in line, what a humiliation! But at least she had a chance to hear enough of the gossip from this office plankton.

Men mostly whispered about the "special" skills of the main character, with which she could lure the boss, while women criticized her appearance. Scanning the photo from every angle, looking for cellulite, signs of plastic surgery and wrinkles.

But very soon all those gossip started to bore Angela. The line moved at the speed of a snail, and the main heroine of the moment never showed her nose from the kitchen. Therefore, Angela sneaked out of the crowd and walked past the restrooms to the service premises. 

Lucky, she only stepped into the kitchen, when she heard a couple of waitresses, also hotly discussing the latest rumours. Angy hid over the corner and waited to hear where this woman could be.