Anxiety Attack

Roger stood still, absolutely motionless, lowering his grimace downwards like she was thinking about something, or some memories attacked his mind. 

The painful flashback of the haunting memories that he had buried deep down in his cold, wrecked heart was tormenting his inner soul brutally, Sherry, begging style her tearing eyes was the reason. 

He stood completely silent, breathing out heavily like he gathered his strength to get rid of this condition. It happened quickly, he ignored Sherry and the current situation.

All of a sudden, Sherry noticed that his spare right arm was shivering a bit, she was surprised and strong man's arms now, shivering weakly, she widened her eyes. 

It seemed as if he was undergoing some kind of tremor anxiety attack, but he was trying hard to endure it silently, he tried to cover his anxiety attack with silence, but he showed himself still strong.