Roger Was Tensed

"Oh shit, as always she is too quick-witted, What am I going to do now, that weak creature didn't come outside That nuisance is still inside the room, so idiot she is I told her to come fast but she was a lazy creature. How am I going to let her out to escape, what a huge problem! 

Idiot, fuck" His mind was filled up with all these puzzling thoughts, but he can't find a suitable plan while he was fidgeting quite anxiously, tapping his feet hard, maybe that lazy creature understand that outside is dangerous.

"Why do you look so stressed, Roger will you tell me?" She furrowed her eyebrows gawking at him intensely, she was so conscious about his acts.

"no. It's nothing, I'm not tense. Why am I going to be stressed, is there any problem?" Faking a burst of small laughter to portray his composed behaviour, he was trying hard to convince her the best, but he was thinking he was going to fail to convince her.