
"Mom, why are you so stubborn all of a sudden? I've woken up, and my health is getting better and better, why are you locking me in?" With a gloomy face, he greeted her in a displeased tone.

She took a deep breath, draped her shimmering brown hair over her shoulders, and murmured in a deep voice, "Son, I have no choice, especially after so many strange things happened in our mansion."

"Strange thing?" Swallowing anxiously, Roger responded to her question immediately, Arya stood firm, not even bothering to answer his answer, Her eyes were still fixed on William, and she replied casually, "Mr Taylor has disappeared from our mansion."

"What? How to do it?" he widened his dark pupils, and suddenly screamed in horror, with a shocked expression on his face,  Roger was also taken aback by the unexpected discovery, standing numbly, staring at Arya in horror, Suddenly, his face became extremely pale, as if he felt that there was something terrible here.