
"William, what do you mean?"

Before the words were finished, he flew out in the blink of an eye, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and rose directly into the air, With a sudden jump, Sherry, who was so frightened, immediately dragged herself into his arms, closed her eyes tightly, and clenched his jacket, William jumped several times for support on a balcony, landed firmly on the wide platform, and hugged her petite frame tightly in his arms.

"We're here, Look, Sherry," whispering in her ear, he slowly loosened the grip on her waist and took a few steps away.

Panting anxiously, she gradually opened her eyes and blinked dazedly, They stood on the wide, vacant patio of her residential building, the huge bright moon illuminating the starry sky and the entire patio, Several fireflies were flying around them, accompanied by the night wind, making the entire night scene stand so high, extremely magical.