She Began To Wipe His Wet Hair

When he frowned and brought his face closer, there was a cold, cold, cruel threat blurted out.

"What a crazy bastard," He murmured in a low voice, and suddenly, the sly smile on his face disappeared, and it was filled with mysterious darkness, engulfing his whole body, immediately, the dark brown pupils turned blue all over, and entered a beta state, burning with anger.

"Don't even try to sprinkle salt on my scars, William Romano, When did you think of me as your own brother?"

"I've always thought of you as my brother, I've always cared about you more than anyone else, you ignorant fool," Before the words were finished, he lost all composure and screamed at him, He grabbed the collar fiercely, rolled his eyeballs, and gritted his teeth angrily. 

"You're all fucking liars, you people know how to fake it before everyone else does it, too bad I don't put on airs like you, Shout whatever comes to mind," Do what I want, Who the hell are you to stop me? "