Warmly Kissed Her

The place wasn't that crowded, and there was an air of retro culture in the people passing her. Frowning, she looks down from the green scene and pulls out her phone from her pouch.

She still remembers the address that Mr Baker sent her yesterday. Inexplicably, she saw it at the station for just a few seconds, but she was trembling! Especially the moment her eyes locked on him, for a moment, her heart seemed to stop beating!

Taking a deep breath, she called Mr Baker, trying to sort out the confusion in her head. But his phone rang several times, but he didn't answer it.

"Am I stupid to believe him and come here alone? Damn, I... I should have come with someone else... I don't know why, but I have this weird palpitation inside me."

I think I should really stop thinking too much, I should still focus on the road ahead..." She murmured to herself with a confused face and glanced at the mobile phone wallpaper.