Hey, You Called Me Spider

"William... I don't want you to be so embarrassed alone. You have me! I can accompany you to comfort you—"

"I don't want anyone to stand by me." His cold voice pierced into her heart fiercely, muttering to himself. Slowly, he lifted his chin and gazed into her eyes. Tears glistened in his dark eyes as if he was trying his best to restrain himself from collapsing in front of her. "Please...I want to be alone, Ivory."

Hearing his plea from the bottom of her heart, she didn't object anymore, and nodded unwillingly, with a depressed expression on her face.

"Okay...if that's what you want. But...don't you dare feel alone. You can cry all you want on my shoulder. To me, in this world, there is nothing more important than you, William. I hope...you will understand one day." With a gloomy voice, he continued to stare at him with sad eyes.