Taking The Cigarette Out Of His Mouth

"So you let her go? You let her go? Why!? Why the hell didn't you tell her all about her family?" Let her muttered dejectedly, squeezing his hand.

"She knows what happened to me must be painful... the truth about her father will hurt her thousand times more, How could I purposely make her life more miserable than the one I've made?"

"Then you've been suffering all by yourself, hiding everything in your heart? Are you a saint? Or an idiot? How can you let her go? How can you be so calm? Why don't you go after her, idiot?" His scathing accusations sounded very harsh when yelled at.

Seeing his excited look, William smiled wryly and said to himself in a gentle tone. "She deserves a good life, meddling in her own business... will only make her suffer...