Angry Youngman

Angry Youngman

The two fell sideways at the same time, embracing each other tightly as if they were stalking each other. The black cat's claws scratched the girl's delicate skin, leaving a deep wound on her back. But Merry didn't seem to feel the pain, she suddenly changed her face, pierced the congresswoman's defenceless neck with her sharp fangs, and bit the black panther's throat with her chin.

The feline tried to break free, but she held on, sinking her fangs deeper with every movement of the desperate beast. Panther gasped and froze.

"What the hell is going on?!" - A loud male voice resounded in the silent hall, causing everyone to stop. Everyone jumped up in fright, and the fighter plane rolled over instantly, taking the opportunity to escape. Tony turned to meet Roger's angry gaze. This guy really smokes in anger. His eyes found Merry's bloody figure, and the long knife in her hand was shining. He is absolutely ready to kill anyone who gets in his way.