Only You Are My Destined Mate

As soon as she fixed her sharp gaze towards the peephole, her left hand started to tremble. The hair comb she was clinching onto dropped down on the ground. Taking a deep gasp of breath, she tried to approach the door but her feet were frozen in fear.

After all the things she had been into, she was terrified to take a step forward and check the door once. But her senses were indicating to her that someone was indeed watching her through the hole. 

While she was anticipating trepidation, her phone, kept on the desk beside her, suddenly rang aloud, flinching her quite hard. Rushing quickly, she glanced at the screen and saw it was William calling her!

"He-Hello?" Muttering quite anxiously, she answered. 

"Sherry, aren't you dressed up yet? I am already going impatient to see you..." A soft, meek voice answered her from the other side of the call. He sounded to be in a pretty good mood as she assumed.