Meeting Him

The mocking tone of the head maid was a slap to her cheeks. Of course, she knew that her father did not care about her.

But it would not be the case if she would slip into the central palace somehow and cry in front of so many people.

When she was a kid in the past, she didn't know anything about her father but when she turned adult and got engaged, she visited the central palace a few times and came to know that her father attended an audience daily.

A lot of lower nobles, aristocrats and higher staff of the palace attend these meetings. Her father solves the problem of the commoners and these lower nobles while giving commands to his staff.

More than that, he socializes with aristocrats at the end of the gathering. It was the time when his father gave a fake smile to the world and showed how perfect he was.

After that, he would spend the rest of the day in isolation and not a single fly could get through his tight security.

If she somehow get mingled in the crowd and entered the meeting, she could show by her actions that she was poorly treated here.

"Go and stay in your room. I do not want to deal with your tantrums for now. I have other important things to do.

And to treat you to a lesson, there would be no food till you learn your mistakes and apologize to all of us." with a harsh tone, the head maid threw the book on the ground and trampled it with her high heels.

She would show this kid that she was the one who was in control and if she did not apologize, she would be at the place of the book next time. Her cold eyes were scary but other maids only enjoyed the scene.

No one cared on how it would affect a baby who had not seen a world at all and needed warmth and love to grow up. Their eyes were crinkling with laughter as if they were enjoying the show while Ren scanned all of their faces.

Soon they would be taught a lesson. Very soon, they would be shown who was the owner here!

She stood up and ran towards her room while her shoulders trembled in anger that was misunderstood as fear and cries.

They all laughed as how her little rebel was crushed by the handmaid.

"Since the little princess is going to keep a fast. Why don't we all go out and enjoy a picnic? What do you say?" she asked all the maids as she wanted to keep them on her side. In case any of them would tell the truth in future.

If they all would be a compliance, no one would ever open their mouth.

"That would be much appreciated." all the maids nodded and soon they prepared for the picnic and left the palace while Ren came to observe them from a distance.

A cold smirk formed on her lips when she saw all of them leaving the palace leisurely. They wanted to teach her a lesson but they had no idea that they were only doing what she wanted them to.

She had already changed her clothes to the dirty one which she was wearing when she woke up.

Her hair had turned messy while her feet were bare. She was looking no less than a commoner who did not have anything to eat for ages. This would be perfect to create a scandal and shake the roots of the image his father had made after so long.

She walked out of the back door of the palace which ended up at the waiting area of commoners who came to ask for help. She was looking at one of them. So, when she slipped from her palace and mingled with them, no one noticed the difference.

No one had seen her to know that she was a princess. So, when they entered the palace, she was dragged with them too without any question.

She even noticed the knights making faces when they looked at her condition as if she was something dirty.

"Your majesty.. We are here to thank you for your help. The channels of water and the wells have saved the land from getting dried during the drought and have saved our lands and the crops.

Though this is not much, we still want to show our gratitude." The man took out a few baskets filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. It even has fish and other eatables.

Renata was sure that they had spent a big part of their production while preparing these gifts. Though they may have saved their crops, it was still too little since the drought was hitting them for three years now. As if the god was angry for some reason.

The condition was only going to worsen. She remembered that the drought had continued for seventeen years. And the rain had only hit the land during her engagement.

The whole empire had celebrated with her. She was so happy that day. But the mere thought of it was enough to burn her in fury.

Just wait how she would teach a lesson to that fool too.

Ha! To think that he could use her!

"That is not needed. I would rather prefer that you distribute all these things among you or the poor who are suffering to manage their household after drought. Our empire needs your support and patience during the time of calamity.

I just did what I should have. So, you should not be burdened by my actions. I am here to serve you. In fact, if you have any problem you can state them too and I will try my best to solve them."