Bucket Of Cold Water

"........." nanny! Like a wet nurse she had in her childhood. Those who would make sure that she was fed well all the time?

That was a good offer. She looked at the woman who was looking flabbergasted by the sudden offer and then her head instinctively turned towards the path from where the maids were taken to the prison and she gulped.

Renata's eyes narrowed. Did this woman think that Reanta was a brat and she intentionally forced her maids towards prison? She did not like the fact that she was treated like a brat when she was the victim here.

"Oh, you will not starve me and lock me in the dark room. Will you?" she asked in a voice that showed how scared she was, she even made her body tremble a bit so that she could gain more sympathy for the woman who blinked as she turned to look back at Renata.

"Oh, i would never dare to do that with any child, my lady.'' Her voice was still field with concern and worry but her face softened as she patted Renata who lowered her head but nodded her head.

"That means you have accepted the offer, right?" the young girl startled and only then did she realize the meaning behind her words.

She was only telling me that she would never starve a little kid but her words only meant.. Well! If she would think about it.. She had nowhere to go.

Since her husband died, his ex wife had come back with her kids and thrown her out of the palace. And her family did not want her back anymore, so she had nowhere to go.

The palace, even if she would live here as a maid, her life would be much better than her home. She only needed to take care of a starved and suffered child. Somehow when she looked at Renata, she remembered her childhood.

That was why she felt bad for the girl.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded her head, "yes, my lord. It would be my honor to serve the lady." phew! At least I have one trustable maid now.

Reanta took a breath of relief. If the woman had nowhere to go and had seen the condition of old maids then she would serve her diligently and Renata was not expecting much at the first place so this should do.

"Very well, then go and give her a bath. She is looking ugly." ugly! Did that man call her ugly? What in the world did he expect from a malnourished child who had not been treated well.

Just you wait. This little girl would grow into a beauty that would even surpass him and then more than a hundred men would stand in line to propose to her.

And in this life, she would not choose another scumbag! She glared at her father with cold eyes who raised a brow at her. She felt like he read her thoughts.

Only the thought made her shiver and she looked back instantly towards the young girl.

"And then give her some food too. Her stomach is growling too much. It is noisy!" you should have fed me first. And my stomach only growls once since I have an egg in the morning. But that was not enough for a growing kid.

Though she complained and blamed him, her cheeks still flushed as she held her dress in front of her abdomen tightly with embarrassment.

The young girl smiled warmly and patted Renata's back as if she was trying to assure her. Renata brought a small smile on her face but did not look back at her scumbag father who was passing snarling comments at her.

"Yes, my lord. I would make sure that the princess did not have any kind of trouble while i take care of her.'' She bowed her head with respect as she held Renata tightly making sure that she would not fall due to her strange posture.

"Hmm, you will get a place to live and a decent amount to start your new life when she grows up a bit. Do not worry, I will make sure that you have a house and a good income later.

But you know that your chance of getting married to a noble is nil, right?" What was he doing? Was he going to insult her in front of everyone again?

Renata could feel the mocking gaze of the nobles who were surprised just a moment ago that she had got such a good opportunity to stay closer to the emperor.

She was sure that all of them were jealous and wanted the same position for their daughters so that they could bed him and be his concubine. They were brewing hatred for her to get such a chance but the last line was like a bucket of cold water was splashed over her.

As if he was telling her that he had only chosen her since she was a widow. And she should not dream of getting the position of his concubine.

She could feel the snicker of the nobles and disgust in their eyes. She even felt how the hands of a young woman stumbled slightly which were holding her. She must have felt awful.

Did she even say that she wanted to seduce you? What are you making assumptions for and then insulting her! She wanted to move and punch her scumbag of a father.

"What do you mean? I am sure a long line of men would stand in front of such a pretty lady.`` Renata muttered in a dramatic tone and then shook her head with a sigh.

"I apologize pretty lady, I would have offered my father to you but he is too arrogant and has a bad temper. Others also call him a tyrant so he would not be a good match for you.

But I am sure we will find a good knight for you when we will work together."
