Renata Is Ugly

"That, princess.. We are in the royal palace only. Well, central palace to be exact. His majesty has ordered that you will live with him from now on and this is your own new room."

"............" she must be kidding right? Why in the world would her father call her to live with him?

It was a joke but she did not feel like laughing.

"But why don't we discuss the rest later. Aren't you hungry? Why don't we take a warm bath and then enjoy our meal?" Renanta stared at Penny and then the young girl followed her.

She had already placed the meal on the table but did not leave. She was standing in the corner but staring at her every action.

'Could she be a spy?' That was right! Now she knew what must have happened.

After the short trick she had played in the morning, the eyes of many nobles and commoners must be on his actions towards his daughter.

He must have brought her here to show the world how benevolent he was. She had been treated badly because of the rude maids, not because of him.

He was not able to look after her properly since he was busy running the empire. What A miserable and poor father! He must have acted that way to gain the sympathy of his subjects.

But he must be wary of her that she would play another trick and show the world again how cruel and demon he was! So, he decided to keep an eye on her every action during her stay in the palace. That must be it.

And this new maid! she must have been sent as a spy to keep an eye on her.

Ha! If he thought that she was a naive toddler that would be carefree while alone and spill all her secrets then he was mistaken. She was not that little girl anymore.

"Princess! What are you thinking so much? Isn't this room prettier and more comfortable? You will have a better stay here than at that ruined palace that looked like its roof would fall any moment or the furniture would break down.

And there is a pretty garden in the backyard. Your personal garden. We can play there once you finish your meal." Renata smiled as she saw how Penn was trying to place so much effort in making her happy.

She must not worry about the girl who had been a widow recently. She was looking hungry too.

"Have you not eaten while I was sleeping?" she asked back and Penny blinked. She was taken aback by the question and felt embarrassed.

She was worried that the princess would not have anything to eat so she had left the ruby palace the moment she had fallen asleep.

And after meeting his majesty, she was busy bringing her here. The girl was not letting anyone touch her even in her sleep. That made her realize what kind of terrifying life she had lived that she was so defensive even in her sleep.

She had scratched two knights badly and she could not believe that the nails of a three year old kid had created such a deep wound in their hands.

She did not want her to suffer and so as rumors spread among knights, so she had personally held her and brought her here.

She was worried that the princess would scratch her too but she had determined to bear with it. But surprisingly the girl did not attack her. Renata even wrapped her arms around her to seek more comfort that made her heart melt.

And once she was brought, she was busy arranging things for her. Like clothes and food but the maids did not let her go and forced her to choose jewels and other foolish things too that could be taken care of later.

She was worried all this time that the princess would wake up in an unfamiliar environment and would be scared. So she was on pins and needles all this time. When she returned Renata was already stirring in her sleep. So she ran away to bring the meal.

All this time, she was so busy and tense that eating food and that she was hungry did not cross her mind at all. But this little girl, instead of asking about her food, was worried about a maid.

The thought stirred her heart and she felt touched that she hugged Renata tightly in her arms.

"Oh my lady, you do not need to worry about a maid like me. I am better. You should take a bath and have your meal. You have been hungry since morning." her voice had turned so softer that Renata smiled.

"Then we can have a meal together later." she spoke in a bubbly voice when she saw Penny getting so emotional that her eyes were getting teary.

'Yes! That is right. You should feel touched and love for me. That way I will be able to use you more and live my life in comfort.' she patted Penny with a smile as she turned towards her next target that was silent all this time but her gaze had not left Renata even once.

"Pretty sister, you can have a meal with Renata too. After all, you are the one who has brought these yummy things for me.`` She smiled so cutely. Renata knew that she was pretty and if she would take care she would look too adorable.

If only she would be able to win the heart of this spy and keep her on her side, her father would not be able to do anything against her.

"That.. I am!"

"What happened, pretty sister? Do you not like Renata because she is ugly?"