Kidnapping her

Penny looked at her surroundings as she continued to pass through the garden. Though she had come in this direction only once, she was sure that it was the way to the entrance of the palace.

"Why are we going to the exit?" she was sure that she had seen his majesty going into the inner palace just a few minutes ago.

"His majesty is going out to buy something for the princess and he needed your assistance for it." came the gruff reply of the knights who were not very happy about her questions.

"Oh, his majesty told you so? I thought he is a very discreet man and did not like to talk much less about sharing his itinerary." the man frowned further. She was right. No one knew where his majesty was going when he boarded the carriage.

He only guides the coachman about his plans because it is necessary but also related to the destination, not to the reason for going there.

She stared at the person with doubt since she was sure that he could not have crossed all this distance and asked for her after that..!

"Of course, his majesty did not tell me his plan. But he asked me to prepare the carriage and then call you at the entrance. So, I assumed that it was related to princess shopping.

After all, everyone is doing that these days. Why are you asking so many questions? Are you doubting the character of his majesty?

There are so many women around him. He would not take a liking to a simple woman like you whom even I did not find appealing. Not to forget that you are a widow too!" He rubbed salt to her wounds to make sure that she did not ask further.

A smirk formed on his face when he noticed her face getting redder and her head lowering. At least, she would stay silent for the meanwhile.

'So it was like that. He must have gone to change and asked the knight to call me so that he did not need to wait for me.' she finally understood and her doubts were cleared.

Yet! Why would he call for me even if he needed to buy things for the princess. Hadn't the room been organised and her clothes were arranged without being told to her.

Her brows furrowed and she was about to ask again but she shut her mouth instantly remembering the last words of the knight.

Since she was working under him, it did not matter where he would take her. She was at his service.

She had never heard a single matter of his majesty being rude with any lady. Even when the girls threw them to him, he had rejected all of them.

"We are here!" the knight stopped in his tracks while she ended up almost burping into the knights before getting hold of herself.

She raised her head and her eyes widened.

"You!" they were not the knights of the royal family or a carriage of his majesty.

But a carriage without a flag of any noble house and the son of a marquis who was going to succeed his position after the death of the marquis.

His mother had thrown her out of the palace. What was he doing here?

She felt a bad premonition and took a few steps back with horror in her eyes.

"You.. you lied to me!" she glared at the knights who only smirked in return.

"I am only honest to my employer. Not to a filthy girl who is leeching over them." he took off the outer robe and inside he was wearing the uniform of the marquis.

That was a good plan! She looked around and found no knight that belonged to the palace.

It was all well planned! But why?

She did not want to wait for her to know the reason. She turned and ran for her life but her speed was not enough and the knight was standing just a few inches away.

He extended his hands and got a hold of her wrist. Dragging her back there, he pulled her towards the carriage.

"Do not create a scene here you filthy being. Why are you getting so agitated when I am taking you back to the palace?

Didn't you come here to plead that we should let you live there. Now why are you creating a scene as if we are kidnapping you?" Mikhail glared with annoyance at the woman who never stopped creating a scene.

She was such a greedy leech that did not want to let go of any strong and powerful family.

Firstly she lured his father that was thrice her age so that she could live a luxurious life and now she had somehow convinced the princess to let her be with her.

He was sure that her target was his majesty. Such a greedy woman.

"No! I did not want to live there anymore. Let me go, or I would shout. Let me.." he slapped her hard on her cheeks that was enough for her to tremble.

Her whole body shook hard and she covered her face instinctively.

"Do you think the world would run according to you? When you would want to stay in the palace, you could. And when you wanted to leave, you could! Is that an inn?

You are the widow of my father and it is only right that you live at his palace and mourn for him for your entire life." he spat those words on her face as he held her by her hair and dragged her inside the carriage.

Penny flinched as the pain was unbearable but she knew that she would be beaten more if she would struggle.

If they have come so far for her. There was no way that it was only about her mourning for the death of marquis.

"Start the carriage, we should leave before another annoying fly blocks our way."