She is too mature for her age

"I will personally check if she has left by her own will or not!"

"......." the knight stared at the girl with a surprised look and then at the maid for help who shook her shoulders.

"My lady," under the pleading gaze of the knight, the maid came forward but Renata looked at her with a look that demanded obedience.

"Yes, do you want to come with us too?" she asked with a nonchalant look on her face that Lucy felt at a loss of words.

"But his majesty would not accept that! I mean, you are too young to be taken out by my lady.

What if someone attacked you?" He was sure that the girl of her age would be afraid to leave the palace if told about the threats or risks lurking in the dark.

"You mean since I am young, I could be the weakness of the empire. Others would take me as a weakling and try to kidnap me to threaten my father.

Or kill me to make sure he did not have any heiress?"

"......" the knight flinched at her cold tone and harsh words but what shocked him was there was no fear in her eyes.

She was talking about her death as if she was talking about weather. Even adults did not have that much fearlessness and nonchalance. Was it fine for a young girl to have so?

"My lady.."

"You do not need to think about it. I will take responsibility for it and do not have any trust in myself.

If not then take the knights that are strong enough with you.

Then it should not be a problem is it? But make sure that the whole estate of the marquis knows that I went there." what a look of arrogance in her eyes that made the knight speechless again.

"Al.. alright, my lady." The knight knew that no matter what he would say, the girl was not going to change her decision. It would only be worse if he kept arguing.

The maid looked surprised but did not say a word when he shook his head while looking at her.

"You shall go and get ready to leave with the maid, my lady. I will go and arrange the carriage and knights." Renata was unsure that he was convinced this easily. She was sure that he would have argued further but she nodded.

Even if he would play a trick, she was ready for it. She followed Lucy in her room.

"Bring me the best dress I have with a jewelled hairpin and bow. And i want the finest hat and softest mittens.

It should look like the princes of the empire had visited the palace since it would be my first outing." half of the battles of nobles was won by their appearance.

If she looked strong enough and behaved with authority, she was going to teach him a good lesson that he would never forget.

"My lady!" Lucy hesitated as she looked at the young girl. She did not know how to explain, "my lady, you are princess, the future heir of the empire, you should not be worried about a maid or a nanny.

There would be hundreds of staff that would work under you one day. Would you be going to follow all of them if they would disappear or lose their job?

Let the staff take care of it. There is a department that would manage all these records. You can get the information from there later." she explained softly in a patient way.

When Renata softened. There was a helpless smile on her face as if she was dealing with a kid that surprised the maid.

"I know all the procedures of the palace. If you think that I am ignorant then you are wrong Lucy.

But those who work for me and are kind to me are always special to me. So, I did not care, what procedure would the department follow, and I would have done the same if you would have been at her place." she cupped the cheeks of Lucy who was sitting on her knees in front of her.

"......" Lucy blinked. Her eyes that were filled with the look of an adult turn dumbfounded.

Her face filled with warmth and a feeling that she had never felt before.

"So, are you going to help me with my dressup?" Lucy nodded, she had finally realized how mature she was! It was not the whim of a baby as she had thought.

Renata helped Lucy in picking up the best dress and accessories for her. She had chosen a black fine silk dress with a matching hat and small bow on her dress that had a diamond on it while the dress had small pearls embroidered in it.

She wore a matching pair of shoes with sapphires engraved on it. Her long hair was set up in a bun like mature ladies instead of two pigtails.

In the end, she decided to carry a small purse to match her clothes.

They both walked out of her room and waited in front of her father's dark room where the knight had promised her to meet after arranging everything for her visit.

But so far there was no one to be seen.

"My lady, what if the knight did not come. I.. mean, what if his majesty refused your visit?" After all, he is not a man to be dealt with easily. Lucy had a look of worry in her eyes as she observed her reaction closely, ready to prepare reasons again when the little girl smiled.

"That would not happen. You do not need to worry about vain things. Just make sure to remember what I have taught you." Renata had a surprisingly look of confidence on her that confused Lucy. She did not understand what was the source of it when she heard footsteps and was shocked to see that Reynold had really come back.

"We are ready for your journey, my lady!"