Handling The Marquis Family.

"Of course, water.. Wait! Your nanny, princess?" He did not remember hiring anyone from the royal palace.

They would not dare to do that as it was nothing less than a treason.

"Your second mother, Lady Penelope! I want to meet her." sitting on the sofa gracefully, she commanded as if she was looking down on her.

The arrogance in her voice that only among the higher nobles that demanded complete obedience shocked him that he forgot to argue.

He could not look into the eyes of her as it did not look like the eyes of kids at all.

"That.. Penny…!" before he could think of a good excuse, her eyes only hardened.

"I see that you call your mother not only by her name but even an intimate nickname.

I never knew that we could call our parents like that even if they were our step parents." she nodded her head as if she had learnt something new making him flustered, "i would make sure to tell about this to my father and inform him that my etiquette teacher is lacking in this aspect. Thank you, lord Leon.

Ah! Look at me, I forgot that your brother had been given the title so it would mister Leon for you." she covered her face and laughed softly as if she was being amiable but it was enough for him to tremble with fear.

"That.. that was my slip of tongue my lady. I never call my STEP MOTHER by her name.

I was just shocked that you wanted to meet her. I am sure that the kind princess would look over my one mistake."' he bowed his head as a sign of gratitude but in reality he was hiding his anger.

He could not believe that a toddler that did not even reach his waist was giving him a lecture on etiquettes. How dare she come and insult her in his own palace.

He was sure that she was trying to insult him with those words but even if that was the case, why did she want to meet that girl!

Elder brother had locked Penny in her room and asked all of them to stay away from that room. If not, he would take strict actions against them.

He was sure that she was not given even water or anything to eat. What if she came and tattle tale about them with tears in her eyes.

This brat! Though she was a baby, he could not take her lightly after what she said to him.

"Princess, I apologize again, but my step mother has been busy with the guests since morning and was tired enough.

So, she went to her room for rest and locked the room. So, we could not get in.

Though we tried to plead to her that there were still many guests who came for mourning, she did not listen to us.

After all, she is not a noble to know about noblesse oblige.

We will try to educate her later but right now, there are so many guests in the palace that we did not want to create an issue.

How about I call my mother and you meet her? I am sure she would be able to handle your requests much better since she is more experienced with kids.`` He was sure that after listening to him, she would have a bad impression of Penny.

He did not understand where they both met and got acquainted but it would be better if they had a good relationship with the royal family, rather than that greedy filthy woman who had no morals.

Just the thought of that woman brought a bitter look on his face. He was so ashamed when his father married a woman of his age that he did not leave the palace for long.

He had seen how his mother used to cry and shout all day when she was living in her maiden house after his father asked her to leave.

He was so happy that his father died. They are able to come back to the palace that belongs to them.

Even if he was jealous of his brother to get the position, he would have enough wealth and land at his disposal thanks to his mother.

He looked at Renata with a flattering smile on his face when her lips curled upwards.

He felt that he was able to convince her and his smile only grew wider.

In the end, she is still a baby. No matter how hard she tried to show off that she was an adult, her crammed lines and cold face could not faze him for so long.

He got assured when she did not say anything further.

"So, you mean that Lady Penelope did not have any kids so she would not be able to solve my problem but your mother would?" she asked in a confused tone but he nodded his head vehemently.

But before she could open his mouth, she continued, "but looking at you, i did not have the same thoughts. I would rather not have her present to take care of me.

But if you are so persistent, I would like to meet the woman who gave birth to a boy like you."

'Was it a compliment? Why was he feeling so offended if that was the case!

He tried to understand but the words were so vague. Well, at least, she agreed to meet his mother instead of Penny.

He nodded his head as he was getting a headache from talking to her and left the room with a fake smile on his face.

He walked to his mother who was still talking to a few nobles and whispered in her ears when his eyes cracked and the fake pain left and filled with anger as she gritted her teeth.

"Your brother had told me about her but I never thought that she would come personally to meet that wench!"