Request a Meeting

"What are you.. Princess, I understand that you are from the royal family but this is our personal matter." Liden gritted his teeth.

He had made sure that the image of Penny would fall in their eyes but the girl was more ignorant than he had thought.

"Your personal matter? As far as I remember the girl was thrown out of the palace two days ago.

She had a written pleading in the royal court that stated that there is no property in her name and lady Glinda had stated that their divorce was not valid since she had never accepted it.

If that is the case, the matter is already out of your palace, lord Liden." Linden had used a loud voice to pressurize the child but who would have thought that she would be strong enough to look back into his eyes when he was using such a dominating voice.

"You!" he trembled with rage and he was about to raise his hands when the knights made a shield around her.

She smirked as she saw him losing his balance. If he was able to raise his hands when he knew that she was a princess, how many times had he raised his hands on a helpless woman.

She stared at Penny who was staring at her with a flabbergasted look on her face.

"If you want to be stubborn then I could take all the proofs to the court including the marks on her skin.

And the way you raised your hands on me. Do not think that you can manipulate words just because I am 5 year old.`` The look in her eyes was telling that she would take him to hell for a penny.

"You would not want to see the depth of where I can go. Do you?" she asked again, confirming his thoughts when he took a deep breath.

Just when he was searching for the right words, he noticed the physician was already here but it did not belong to their family.

"He is a royal physician. Since I was a kid I often stumble and hurt myself. I burden the physician to accompany me everywhere.

Isn't it good that he is available to check monique?" she asked in a sweet voice as she clapped her hands and looked excited just like a child.

But Liden knew that she was mocking him. If their physician would have checked Penny, he could have lied and changed the reports but the Royal physician would not do that.

Each step taken by the physician was clenching his heart and he could feel the pressure building in.

"My lady," the physician bowed his head with respect as he held her wrist to check the pulse.

"Wait, I think the princess is misunderstanding my goodwill. I was only thinking in her favor but if she thinks that mother would serve her better as her nanny, then it would only be an honor for us.

I would arrange for that. I am sure, mother would be happy to leave with the princess too. Right mother?" he used a meaningful tone as he stared at Penny.

He just could not let her go. She knew too much for sending her to the royal family. He could only hope that she remembers how she was beaten for going to the royal palace and has learnt her lesson.

If Penny denied that she did not want to go then Renata would not be able to force her and things would sort out without any argument.


"Why are you thinking so much? Don't you want to come to the royal palace and serve me as my nanny?" asked Renata in an assuring and sweet tone. She could feel the pressure coming from Liden but it was Penny's courage that would take the decision.

She had already taken all the measures and waged a war to save Penny. If Penny still did not show courage and held her hands then Renata would give up on her too.

"Mother, everyone is waiting for your reply!" Liden glared at her as she held her hands tightly in the name of helping her in standing up when the physician frowned.

Penny stared at Liden and then at Renata and gulped. She could feel the sweat in her hands. An instinctive reaction that came whenever Liden was around her since he had often beaten her.

"I.. I will go with the princess. Since I have always been beaten and tormented here.

Even today, I was being forced to drink that bitter liquid that made me like this. I was locked in the room then.

I have been suffering from mental and physical abuse here." she replied in a low but firm tone as she pulled her hands away from him and ran towards Renata whose face had turned colder.

"What nonsense are you speaking.. Mo.. Mother! Do you have any idea of the repercussions for your words?" he hollered as he tried to hold her hands again but she was already prepared for that.

"Knights! We are leaving. Arrest anyone who will try to stop me from leaving in the name of treason." her voice was strong and loud that demanded complete obedience.

Reynold held Liden's hands and used enough pressure that the knees of the man trembled. His legs shook and he fell on his knees with his body still trembling.

"Have you forgotten who she is?" Reynold used so much pressure that Liden could feel his bones getting crushed.

Renata nodded her head as a sign of respect towards Olivia who was staring at her all this time. Though the woman had done nothing but her hands on the shoulder of Renata was enough as a sign of support that gave Renata confidence.

She could feel her sincerity with her touch and support.

"Princess, if you do not mind, can I burden you with a tea meeting?

I am fine with your visit to my palace or I can come to the palace to meet you."