Brooding Father Over A Boy

"I wasn't expecting you to greet me at the entrance, my lady." Elric held the hands of Renata and then kissed it gently.

"I was not here to greet you but I just came out to have a walk in the garden so I decided to see off my new tutors." she cleared with an indifferent face as she took her hands away from his hands that looked stunned.

But then he smiled widely as if she had confused him.

"That is why you always kept my curiosity. You are too blunt to be a noble girl, princess." he said with a chuckle as she always breaks the stereotypes.

"Thank you. But I am good as I am.`` She had no interest in behaving like fools who only knew how to nod and care about jewels and clothes.

She had spent a lifetime acting like that only to realize that it did not suit her well.

She would rather be blunt and cold than behaving like a fool.

The young boy looked at her with interest as his deep eyes swirled.